Historical Notes
Maitland Telephone Company
Maitland Telephone Company of Yarmouth Ltd.

Service area: In 1890, the Maitland Tel. Co. of Yarmouth Ltd. had 18 offices (also known as exchanges, or switchboards) at the following locations: In Yarmouth County, Beaver River, Hebron, Ohio, and Port Maitland; in Digby County, Barton, Bear River, Belliveau Cove, Church Point, Digby, Little Brook, Meteghan, Meteghan River, Salmon River, Saulnierville, Weymouth, and Weymouth Bridge; and in Annapolis County, Annapolis Royal, and Clementsport. In 1890, the company had connections to the Yarmouth, Carleton, and Barrington Telephone Companies.

25 August 1882 was the first day of regular operation of the Maitland Telephone Company's line between Yarmouth and Port Maitland, a distance of about 10 miles 15 kilometres. This was less than seven years after 10 March 1876, when the first complete sentence was spoken over any telephone.

From The Yarmouth Herald, September 13, 1883

Maitland Telephone Co.

The first general meeting of the Maitland Telephone Company was held at the office of W. Stayley Porter, Esq., on the evening of Sept. 8th. Dr. Harris, the President, acted as chairman, and W.S. Porter as Secretary.

The directors' report showed that the expenditures on the lines to Maitland and Beaver River and the Ohio branch had been $561. During the year the line has been extended to Meteghan Station and new offices opened at Salmon River, Meteghan, Meteghan River and Meteghan Station. The total cost of all the lines has been about $1500. The capital stock of the Co. is now $1500. A dividend of 10 per cent was declared on the original stock.

The directors elected for the ensuing year are as follows:- J.H. Harris, Esq., M.D., President; W. Stayley Porter, Secretary; and Joseph Goudey.

J.W. Raymond and George H. Goudey were appointed auditors, and R.E. Harris solicitor.

The company decided to apply for letters patent of incorporation under the Nova Scotia Joint Stock Companies Act.

1886 May 11
Incorporation of
Maitland Telephone Company of Yarmouth Limited

On 11 May 1886, the Nova Scotia Legislature passed an Act (chapter 167, 1886) to incorporate the Maitland Telephone Company of Yarmouth Limited, with head office in Port Maitland, Yarmouth County, and founding shareholders John H. Harris, W. Stayley Porter, Joseph Goudey, and Robert E. Harris. The Maitland Telephone Company had been doing business for several years previously, and the Act specified that "immediately upon the passing of this Act, all property, whether real or personal, belonging to ... the Maitland Telephone Company, shall" be transferred to the Maitland Telephone Company of Yarmouth Limited.

From The Yarmouth Herald, March 14, 1888

The annual meeting of the Maitland Telephone Company (of Yarmouth Limited) was held on Saturday evening last, Dr. Harris, President, in the chair. The annual report and financial statement was read, showing the expenditure during the year $926.86, and receipts from tolls, bonuses, etc. $1455.32, leaving a balance due the shareholders of $528.46.

A dividend of 8 per cent was declared, to be paid on and after 20th inst. The following directors were re-elected, viz: J.H. Harris, President; Joseph Goudey, and W.S. Porter Manager. Capt. Geo. H. Goudey and Capt. James A. Rose were elected Auditors, and R.E. Harris Solicitor.

From Belcher's Almanack, 1890

Maitland Telephone Company (of Yarmouth Limited)
Head Office: Port Maitland, Yarmouth County
Authorized Capital: $10,000
The company had six directors: Dr. J.H. Harris, President; W.S. Porter, Secretary-Manager; Joseph Goudey; R.E. Harris, Solicitor; and Auditors Geo. H. Goudey and James A. Rose.

In October 1897, the Maitland Telephone Company of Yarmouth Limited sold all its plant, equipment, lines, and rights of way, to the Nova Scotia Telephone Company, for $2200. The Maitland Tel. Co. officially abandoned its territory and ceased operations forever.

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