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About the ICC

What is the ICC

Chronological time line of the ICC's history

WWI & WWII 1919 Treaty of Versailles
1939 World War II begins
1943 UN War Crimes Commission
1945 Nuremburg Trials
1940s 1946 International Congress calls for ICC and International Military Tribunal for the Far East is established
1948 Genocide Convention
1949 International Law Commission (ILC) begins to draft an ICC Statute
Cold War ~ 1954 Cold War begins
1980s 1981 UN asks ILC to return to work on international Code of Crimes
1989 UN asks ILC to prepare draft Statute for an ICC
1990s 1992 UN asks ILC to make draft ICC Statute a priority
1993 International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is established
1994 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) is established by the UN; ILC completes draft ICC Statute; an ad hoc Committee on ICC is established by UN
1995 UN establishes Prepatory Committee (PrepCom) to finalize text
April 1998 PrepCom completes finalized draft text of Rome Statute.
July 17, 1998 Rome Statute is adopted by 120 countries at Diplomatic Conference in Rome
February 2, 1999 First country ratifies ICC (Senegal)
2000s June 29, 2000 First country adopts comprehensive legislation to implement ICC (Canada)
2000 ICC PrepCom adopts Rules of Procedure and Evidence as well as Elements of Crimes.
Dec. 31, 2000 Time to sign Rome Statute ends with 139 signatures April 11, 2002 60th ratification deposited
July 1, 2002 The Rome Statute enters into force
July 12, 2002 The ICC PrepCom concludes final session
September 3 - 10, 2002 First meeting of ICC Assembly of States Parties

Document obtained from DFAIT website:

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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