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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Dan Boyarski
Bill Cahan
Peter Gorb
Pam Scott
Jeffrey Veen
James Woudhuysen
Designthinkers 2002
Interactive Thinkers
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Of all the professions, designers have the potential to make the most valuable contribution to business success. Yet before they can do so designers must learn the management language and understand some controversial management views of design; for example, design is not creative and it must never be left to designers. Above all, designers need to be aware of some unique aspects of their contribution which add to the general profitability of business.

Gorb is a Life Fellow of the Design Management Institute and a pioneer in design management education. He has served as the Director of the London Business School's Centre for Design Management. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Westminster University and an advisor to its MBA program in Design Management.

Peter Gorb: The Design Management Interface


Read Peter Gorb's presentation on The Design Management Interface (File Type: PDF, File Size: 168kb)
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Listen to Peter Gorb's opinion on design and business
(File Type: mp3, File Size: 400kb)




© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“And what designers need to learn, and this is the most important thing, is the language of the business world. Only by learning that language can you effectively voice the arguments for design.”