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Designthinkers Home

1. What is Designthinkers?


2. What is graphic design?


3. What is The Association of Registered Graphic
    Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario)?


4. What is a Registered Graphic Designer?


5. Why hire an R.G.D.?


6. How to select an R.G.D.?


7. How can I get involved with RGD Ontario?


1. What is Designthinkers?
Designthinkers is the name of the Association of Registered Graphic Designer's annual conference, which occurs in Toronto, Canada, each autumn. Designthinkers gathers prominent experts, innovative graphic design practitioners, and key buyers for a multi-layered, multi-faceted dialogue on the emerging influences and digital-driven changes informing strategic design thinking today and tomorrow.


2. What is graphic design?
Graphic design is an interdisciplinary, problem-solving profession that combines visual sensitivity with skill and knowledge in areas of communications, technology and business. Graphic design practitioners specialize in the structuring and organizing of visual information to aid communication and orientation.


3. What is The Association of Registered Graphic
Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario)?

In 1996, RGD Ontario became the self-regulatory, professional body for graphic designers in the province of Ontario. The Association grants graphic designers who qualify the right to the exclusive use of the designations Registered Graphic Designer and R.G.D. and is the governing and disciplinary body for its members. RGD Ontario is the only graphic design association in Canada to have such legislation.


4. What is a Registered Graphic Designer?
A Registered Graphic Designer (R.G.D.) is a graphic design practitioner, manager or educator who has met the Association's qualification criteria and has been granted the right to use these professional designations. No one else may use the designations Registered Graphic Designer or R.G.D. Persons in Ontario who are not Registered Graphic Designers are not excluded from practising graphic design. The R.G.D. and Registered Graphic Designer designations are signals of quality and competence to the profession, the public and the government.


5. Why hire an R.G.D.?
Industries and community benefit from the presence of R.G.D.s in their area. These benefits may include the following:

You may be assured that the R.G.D. you hire has met the standards necessary to practise as an accredited graphic designer.

R.G.D.s are governed by the Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct – offering greater certainty of fair and ethical practice in business dealings with clients, industry and fellow practitioners.

You can be secure in the knowledge that any concerns you may have will be heard by the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario, which is empowered to discipline its R.G.D. members.


6. How to select an R.G.D.?
Choosing a Registered Graphic Designer capable of providing the scope and quality required to meet your needs is not complicated. Follow the same process you would for selecting any supplier for your business: ask friends and business associates for a referral; source the designer of work you have seen or admired; gather information from design publications, workshops or seminars.


7. How can I get involved with RGD Ontario?
RGD Ontario welcomes new members.

Provisional membership: If you have graduated from a three- or four-year graphic design program, and you are working as a graphic designer in Ontario, but you do not yet have seven years of combined education and experience, you may be eligible for Provisional membership. A provisional membership runs from January to December and the cost is $75 plus GST annually.

Student membership: If you are registered full-time in a three- or four-year graphic design program in the province of Ontario, you may be eligible for Student membership. A Student membership runs from September to August of the following year and the cost is $25 plus GST annually. RGD Ontario offers an annual Scholarship Awards program for Student members.

Student Subscriber: If you are registered full-time in a post-secondary educational program that is not a three- or four-year program of graphic design in Ontario, you are eligible to become a student Subscriber. For example, if you are enrolled in a graphic design program outside of Ontario, or you are enrolled in a two-year program in a related field such as Advertising and Design.

Associate membership: If you are not engaged in the practice or instruction of graphic design in Ontario, but you are active in an allied profession, or you own a business, organization, or institution that employs Members, you may be eligible for Associate membership. An Associate membership runs from January to December and the cost is $500 plus GST annually.

Professional – Registered Graphic Designer or R.G.D.:

A Registered Graphic Designer and R.G.D. is a graphic design practitioner, manager or educator who has met the Association's qualification criteria and has been granted the right to use these professional designations. No one else may use the designations Registered Graphic Designer or R.G.D. A Registered Member receives a membership number, membership card, certificate and embossing seal. The R.G.D. and Registered Graphic Designer designations are signals of quality and competence to the profession, the public and the government.
For more info on the R.G.D. Qualification Examination, go to www.rgdexamboard.com.





© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.




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Designthinkers 2003