We provide the images you see on this website through the use of a digital camera, flatbed scanner, or clipart available from the Internet.

A digital camera allows a photograph of an object to be taken, the photo is then downloaded to a graphics program --straight from the camera! This allows the viewer to see the photograph immediately, without film, or wasting pictures.

Photographs taken using conventional film are developed into prints or slides. Prints are digitized using a flatbed scanner. It is a device that works like a photocopying machine, where a lighted sensor passes over the object, but in the end the scanner outputs a digital image.

A slide scanner works in a similar way. The slide is entered into a slot, and the machine passes it over a scanning device to create a computer file.

Flatbed scanner Slide scanner

The scanned image can be altered using a graphics editing program. It can be resized to fit a certain space on a web page, or the brightness and contrast can be changed. The changes are instantly noticeable on the computer display. Some elements of photograph can be added or removed to alter the image, such as the example seen below.

Before After