Writings About Emily


Alexander, David, and John O'Brain (curators). Gasoline, Oil and Paper: The 1930s Oil-on-paper Paintings of Emily Carr. Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
--Text and pictures.

Blanchard, Paula. The Life of Emily Carr. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1987.

Carr, Emily. Cheney, Nan and Toms, Humphrey N.W. Dear Nan. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990.
--Letters of Emily Carr, Nan Cheney and Humphrey Toms.

Endicott, Marion. Emily Carr: The story of an artist.
--The story of Emily Carr for children.

Neering, Rosemary. Emily Carr.
--Information on San Francisco, Totem poles, Group of Seven, and so on...

Shadbolt, Doris. The Art of Emily Carr. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1979.
--About Emily and her art work.

Shadbolt, Doris. Emily Carr. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1990.
--Beginning and through Emily's life as an artist; includes pictures.

Thom, Ian M. Emily Carr in France. Vancouver Art Gallery, 1991.
--Book to accompany exhibition of Emily's work done while studying in France.

Tipett, Maria. Emily Carr: A biography. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1979.

Tippet, Maria. A Past Solitaire in a Steel Claw Setting: Emily Carr and her Public.
--Re: the public rejection of Emily Carr's work while she lived.

Turpin, Marguerite. The Life and Work of Emily Carr.

Vancouver Art Gallery. Intro. by Robin Laurence. Beloved Land: The World of Emily Carr.
--Biographical introduction. Paintings and quotes from Emily's writings.

Vancouver Art Gallery. Emily Carr: the Mature Years/Les annees De Maturite. Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1979.
--Examples of Emily Carr's later works.
Emily Carr at Home and at Work
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Gallery Tour Family Writing Issues Team

Last updated: 24 July 1997
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Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia