
Canada's Digital Collections

Grenfell Schools

Grenfell Local School

School classes were first conducted in the Agricultural Hall in 1888.  Miss Ross was the first teacher and she received a salary of $40 a month. 

In 1895 a new four room school was built on the corner of Saskatchewan Avenue and Pheasant Street.  Mr. MacLeod was the first principal there.

In 1956 a new high school was built on the south end of Pheasant Street.  Mr. McNabb became the first principal there.  In 1965 Biology and Chemistry labs were added.

Weldon School

This Building was once used as the Weldon School which was later turned into a house and is still in excellent condition today.

The Weldon School
The Weldon School - click for larger view

 This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from
Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada