
Canada's Digital Collections

Doctor's House

The first doctor, Dr. Elliot, had an assistant that used impractical methods to save lives.  The assistant was in his first year out of grad school and one day he was called to a house where a man was choking on a piece of meat.  The Heimlich maneuver was not yet heard of so the assistant doctor used whatever he could find.  He sliced open the man's throat and removed the piece of meat.  Then, he asked the lady of the house for a needle and thread and proceeded to sew up the man's throat.  the man lived a long life.

Another time, the assistant doctor was called to a woman's house because she had fluid in her lungs and everyone thought she was going to perish.  The assistant doctor took a turkey feather, stripped the feathers from the quill and cleaned it out.  He then rammed the quill into her lung and drained the fluid thus saving her life.  She led a life of longevity.

Then the assistant doctor moved to Medicine Hat and helped establish a hospital there.  He became known as a very prominent doctor.

The First Doctor's Home
The First Doctor's House

 This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from
Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada