Restricted Fire Zones
Fire Rangers

Restricted Fire Zones

Applied Burning

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    In present time when climate conditions reach the extreme, a restricted fire zone is declared on the endangered area. Restricted fire zones are drastic measures, taken only when necessary, but have proven effective when the forest fire danger reaches its peak. A restricted fire zone does not mean that hunting, fishing, or camping are restricted. It only means that you can not have a fire in the restricted area due to dangerous climate conditions, perfect for a major fire to breakout.

    A restricted fire zone is declared when conditions are dry enough that an open fire, no matter how well it is watched, poses a threat to the surrounding area. An investigation will occur to determine how bad the area is by fire management staff and the Minister of Natural Resources. As soon as the conditions are damper in the area the restriction is lifted and you may once again, have a fire.

    You will always know if you are heading into a restricted fire zone, the Ministry of Natural Resources will make sure that you know. There will be signs along the roadway, and also at popular camp spots, in lodges, gas stations and stores. If you are in a restricted fire zone, please follow the rules and play an important role in keeping our forests beautiful, and fire free.

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