George W. Rayner G. S.
Hydro Home
Rayner G.S.

Red Rock G.S.

Aubrey Falls G.S.

Wells G.S.
Construction of the Rayner Dam

The contract for construction of Rayner generating station was awarded to Rayner Construction Company Limited as Ontario Hydro's crews were on other projects.

A new and modern Bailey bridge was constructed down the river from the construction area, replacing the old fashioned wood frame bridge. The Rayner dam is a massive block of concrete and steel, holding back Tunnel lake from flooding a huge area. The total amount of concrete that was used in the construction of the dam, penstocks, and power house was 440 000 tons. At the peak of construction 850 men were working on building the dam. When construction was finished in 1950, the total cost of building was around $19 million.

Rayner Info


Camp and Surrounding Area

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