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Copper Belly Snake
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The Copper Belly Snake

The Copper Belly, also known as the red-bellied snake,
Copper Belly, photo courtesy of Ohio's Reptiles
The Copper Belly Snake, photo taken
from Ohio's Reptiles
is a small snake. In fact it is smaller then any other snake in Ontario. It's average length is 8 to 12 inches long, while its maximum length is 16 inches. They have thin red bellies, and for some reason, have been commonly nicknamed the copper belly snake in this area. They have brown backs, which blend brilliantly with the ground. Spending their days hiding under rocks and logs, they emerge at night to feed on other small creatures, such as, slugs, earthworms, and beetle larvae. Though they seem too small to bite, you should be careful with them because they carry enough poison to kill their prey. It affects humans differently, usually only making people feel queasy. After spending their summers in meadows and clearings, they migrate in September and October back to forest hibernating areas. They can be spotted at the forest edge, in valleys, bogs, and clearings.


American Toad
Grey Tree Frog
Leopard Frog
Red-backed Salamander

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