The Kiever
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Rabbi Langner

Rabbi Langner, the fifth generation in his family to become a rabbi, arrived in Toronto from Strettin, Poland in 1923. He served the Kiever as a full-time rabbi from 1929 until his death in 1973, acting as a leader to his congregation. In addition to his work at the Kiever, he was also the rabbi for the First Narayever synagogue, secretary of the Orthodox Rabbinical Association of Toronto, and a member of the Executive of Vaad Harabonim. Other Toronto rabbis and community members have admired Rabbi Langner for his hospitality and charity.











Rabbi Langner (Left) conversing with other men, c. 1962
Rabbi Langner (Left) conversing with other men (c. 1962)

CanadaUJA Federation of Greater TorontoThe Ontario Jewish ArchivesRyerson UniversityCanada's Digital Collections