Habitat FragmentationOil sands companies are not the only human users of the boreal forest in northern Alberta. Forestry companies, hunters, trappers, even people looking for recreational activities such as boating or cross-country skiing, all share the boreal forest with its natural inhabitants. The total effect of all this activity on the forest is a concern - especially as more and more oil sands projects begin operations. It is possible to limit cumulative impacts by better planning and coordinating different uses of the forest. Forestry companies and oil sands companies can cooperate to use the same cut lines and roads through a process called Integrated Land Management (ILM) This kind of cooperation can also decrease the amount of habitat fragmentation in the boreal forest. Increasingly Alberta's remaining forested areas resemble islands of trees in a larger network of cut lines, well sites, mines, pipeline corridors, forestry roads, plant sites and human settlements. These disturbances can result in species being introduced along forest margins, and the displacement of other species. They can also encourage increased predation and put some plants and animals at risk. For example, some naturalists worry that the woodland caribou of northeastern Alberta may be threatened by a combination of increased predation and competition for food resources from deer and moose able to extend their ranges due to habitat disturbances. Reprinted with permission of Alberta Community Development, Cultural Facilities and Historical Resources Division. For more information on the Oilsands and the Environment visit the Oil Sands Discovery Centre! |
Updated July 23rd, 2001 by KP |