The Lower Foothills Subregion
The Lower Foothills Subregion occurs on rolling topography created by the deformed
bedrock along edge of the Rocky Mountains. Lower elevations range from about 1250 metres in the south, to about 700 metres near Lesser Slave Lake, and to about 350 metres at the northern end near Rainbow Lake. Upper elevational limits range from about 1450 metres in the south to 1000 metres in the north. The subregion also includes several flat-topped
erosional remnants with flat-lying bedrock that are partially capped with Tertiary gravels, such as Swan Hills, Pelican Mountain, and Clear Hills.
Surficial materials are commonly a morainal veneer or blanket over bedrock. Extensive organic deposits occur in valleys and wet depressions, especially in eastern portions. Along the mountains, bedrock outcrops of marine
shales and non-marine sandstones occur often in valleys. Fluvial and
glaciofluvial deposits occur along major stream valleys.
and Landforms][Climate][Soils]