Helen Schuler Coulee Centre
The Helen Schuler Coulee Centre is surrounded by the 196 acre Lethbridge Nature Reserve. In the Nature Reserve, the floodplain of the Oldman River supports a lush cottonwood forest. The forest is home to porcupines, deer,
Great Horned Owls and a multitude of songbirds. In contrast, Prickly
Pear Cactus and other desert-like plants grow on the dry
coulee slopes. Across the river, the Elizabeth Hall
Wetlands offers excellent wildlife-viewing opportunities. Here visitors can watch
Painted Turtles, Beaver and a variety of water birds.
Interpretive programs, hands-on exhibits and self-guided nature trails encourage visitors to experience and learn about Lethbridge's diverse natural
ecosystems. Knowledgeable staff and volunteer naturalists are on hand to provide natural history information. Open Year Round - call for seasonal hours.
Contact the Helen Schuler Coulee Centre by phone (403)
320-3064, fax (403)320-4275, e-mail
hscc@city.lethbridge.ab.ca or mail 910 4th Ave. S Lethbridge AB. T1J 0P6
If you need any additional information to the above description please contact Shawna Cook, Nature Interpretation Coordinator, Helen Schuler Coulee Centre. (403)320-3064.
Rock Coulee][Willow
[Helen Schuler
Coulee][Calgary Zoo]