The Kazan Upland Subregion
The distinctive feature of the Kazan Upland Subregion is the extensive outcrops of plutonic (granitoid) Precambrian
bedrock. The bedrock plays a direct role in the vegetation pattern because of the extent of the outcrops and its acidic nature. The Canadian Shield in northeastern Alberta is dominated by a complex of crystalline plutonic,
igneous and metamorphic rocks that are part of the Churchill Structural Province of the Shield. The composition averages between granite and granodiorite. Granitoids comprise about 65% of the outcrops, with gneisses being about 25% and metasediments about 10%.
The predominant rocks are distributed in three major north-south trending belts - the western granitoids, the eastern granitoids, and the central granitic gneisses. Topographic linear features are related to regional faults and bands of relatively soft metasediments.
The topography, is rolling and ranges in altitude from 220 - 400 metres. Local relief can be as great as 90 metres. The bedrock is covered with patches of outwash or
morainal deposits, and there are also eskers and roche moutonee knobs. Glacial outwash sands occur near Cornwall, Colin and Andrew lakes. Glacial
erosion produced highly-polished, striated and grooved rock surfaces. Rock-basin lakes are common throughout the Subregion.
Rivers are small and not common. Most are of the slow-moving "muskeg" type.
Information provided by and printed with the permission
of Alberta Community Development, Provincial
Parks and Protected Areas.
and Landforms][Climate][Soils]