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Prairie Rattlesnake

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Prairie RattlesnakeIn Alberta, Prairie Rattlesnake populations reach the northern limits of their range.  Records prior to 1978 suggest that the distribution of Prairie Rattlesnakes was formerly greater than is seen currently. These historical records indicate that the range may have extended along the Red Deer River to Trochu, and along the Bow River almost to Calgary. However, the current distribution of the Prairie Rattlesnake in Alberta is restricted to the southeastern comer of the province, and does not appear to have changed appreciably since Prairie Rattlesnake distribution was studied in 1977.

In general, the distribution of Prairie Rattlesnakes appears to be closely associated with major rivers. The majority of records from Alberta occur along the South Saskatchewan River drainage (including the South Saskatchewan, Red Deer, Bow, and Oldman Rivers) and the Missouri River drainage which includes the Milk River. Away from the river valleys, the relative abundance of the Prairie Rattlesnake decreases.

Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 6 (1997), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.
Updated August 4th, 2001 by KP