An Act to amend the Indian Act
. S. C. 1940-41, c. 19. (4-5 Geo. VI)
4 - 5 GEORGE VI.
CHAP. 19.
An Act to amend the Indian Act.
[Assented to 14th June, 1941.]
HIS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:-
1. The Indian Act, chapter ninety-eight of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927, is amended by inserting immediately after section forty-two thereof, the following section:-
42A. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations to prohibit and control the buying or otherwise acquiring from any Indian, non-treaty Indian or band or irregular band of Indians any wild animal or the skin or other part of such animal. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing the regulations may prescribe:-(a) that the Superintendent General or Agent acting on his behalf may issue permits to buy or otherwise acquire any wild animal or parts thereof as aforesaid and may fix the terms upon which such permits may be issued;
(b) that a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both fine and imprisonment may be imposed for any violation of such regulations.
(2) Where the Superintendent General, or Agent acting on his behalf, has reason to believe that the regulations have been contravened in repect of any wild animal or the skin or other part of such animal he may seize such animal or any part or parts thereof wherever found and bring the same before any judge, police or stipendiary magistrate, two justices of the peace or Indian Agent and on proof that such contravention has occurred such animal or part or parts shall be declared forfeited to His Majesty. Any animal or part thereof declared forfeited hereunder shall be disposed of as the Superintendent General may direct.
(3) Such regulations may from time to time by order of the Superintendent General be declared to apply to any area in the Dominion of Canada and copies of every such order shall be posted in all post offices in or adjacent to the area therein specified.
(4) The Superintendent General may at any time without prior notice revoke any permit issued in accordance with any regulation made under the provisions of this section.
(5) The regulations made by the Governor in Council and every order made by the
Superintendent General under the provisions of this section shall be published in the Canada Gazette.@