CHAP. 30
An Act to further amend "The Indian Act, 1880."
[Assented to 17th May, 1882.]
HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of
Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:-
The sixth sub-section of the second section of "The Indian Act, 1880," is hereby
amended by striking out of the fourth line thereof the words "but which is
unsurrendered," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "and which remains a
portion of the Reserve."
The twenty-seventh section of "The Indian Act, 1880," is hereby amended by
striking out of the twelfth line thereof the word "Justice" and inserting in lieu
thereof the words "any two Justices," and by striking out of the twenty-ninth line
thereof the word "Justice" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Justices."
Wherever, in "The Indian Act, 1880," or in the Act passed in the forty-fourth year of
Her Majesty's reign, chaptered seventeen, amending the said Act,- or in this
Act, power is given to any Stipendiary Magistrate or Police Magistrate to
dispose of cases of infraction of the provisions of the said Acts brought before
him, any Indian Agent shall have the same power as a Stipendiary Magistrate
or a Police Magistrate has in respect to such cases.
The seventy-eighth section of "The Indian Act, 1880" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words: "But in any suit between Indians no appeal shall lie from an order made by any District Magistrate, Police Magistrate, Stipendiary Magistrate or two Justices of the Peace, when the sum adjudged does not exceed ten dollars."
The ninety-fourth section of "The Indian Act, 1880" is hereby amended by adding
after the word "month" in the eleventh line thereof the words: "or to a fine of not
less than five nor more than thirty dollars, or to both fine and imprisonment in
the discretion of the convicting Judge, Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the
Peace," and by adding after the word "days" in the nineteenth line the following
words: "or to an additional fine of not less than three nor more than fifteen
dollars, or to both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the convicting
Judge, Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace."
The second section of the Act passed in the forty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered seventeen, intituled "An Act to amend the Indian Act, 1880" is hereby amended by adding after the word "conviction" in the fifth line thereof, the words: "before a Stipendiary Magistrate, Police Magistrate, or two Justices of the Peace."