An Act to further amend
AThe Indian Act@, Chapter forty-three of the Revised Statutes. S.C. 1888, c. 22 (51 Vict.)51 VICTORIA
CHAP. 22.
An Act further to amend
AThe Indian Act,@ Chapter forty-three of the Revised Statues.[Assented to 22nd May, 1888.]
er Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: -1. Sub-section one of section thirteen of
13. No half-breed in Manitoba who has shared in the distribution of half-breed lands shall be accounted an Indian; and no half-breed head of a family, except the widow of an Indian or a half-0breed who has already been admitted into a treaty, shall, unless under very special circumstances, which shall be determined by the Superintendent General or his agent, be accounted an Indian or entitled to be admitted into any Indian treaty; and any half-breed who has been admitted into a treaty shall, on obtaining the consent in writing of the Indian Commissioner or in his absence the Assistant Indian Commissioner, be allowed to withdraw therefrom on signifying in writing his desire so to do. B which signification in writing shall be signed by him in the presence of two witnesses, who shall certify the same on oath before some person authorized by law to administer the same; and such withdrawal shall include the minor unmarried children of such half-breed.@2. Section forty-three of the said Act is hereby amended by adding the following sub-sections thereto: -
4. Whenever the proper municipal officer having, by the law of the Province in which the land affected is situate, authority to make or execute deeds or conveyances of lands sold for taxes, makes or executes any deed or conveyance purporting to convey any land, or portion of land the fee of which is vested in the Crown or any person in trust for or for the use of any Indian or non-treaty Indian or band or irregular band of Indians or non-treaty Indians, but which has been surrendered under the provision of this Act, or purporting to grand or convey the interest of any locatee or purchase from the Crown and such deed or conveyance recites or purports to be based upon a sale of such land or such interest for taxes, the Superintendent General may act upon and treat such deed or conveyance as a valid transfer of all the right and interest of the original locatee or purchaser from the Crown, and of every person claiming under him, in or to such land to the grantee named in such deed or conveyance:A
5. So soon as the Superintendent General has signified his approval of such deed or conveyance by endorsement thereon, the grantee shall be substituted in all respects, in relation to the land so conveyed for the original locatee or purchaser from the Crown, but no such deed or conveyance shall be deemed to confer upon the grantee any greater right or interest in the land than that possessed by the original locatee or purchase from the Crown:
6. The Superintendent General may cause a patent to be issued to the grantee named in such deed or conveyance on the completion of the original conditions of the location or sale, unless such deed or conveyance is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction in a suit or action instituted by some person interested in such land within two years of the date of such sale for taxes, and unless within such delay notice of such contestation has been given to the Superintendent General:A
7. Every such deed or conveyance shall be registered in the office of the Superintendent General within two years from the date of the sale for taxes; and unless the same is so registered, it shall not be deemed to have preserved its priority, as against a purchaser in good faith from the original locatee or purchaser from the Crown, in virtue of an assignment registered in like manner previously to the date of the registration of the deed or conveyance based upon a sale for taxes as aforesaid.@3. Sub-section three of section seventy-seven is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: -
3. All land vested in the Crown or in any person, in trust for or for the use of any Indian or non-treaty Indian, or any band or irregular band of Indians or non-treaty Indians, shall be exempt from taxation, except those lands which, having been surrendered by the bands owning them, though unpatented, have been located by or sold or agreed to be sold to any person; and except as against the Crown and any Indian located on the land, the same shall be liable to taxation in like manner as other lands in the same locality; but nothing herein contained shall interfere with the right of the Superintendent General to cancel the original sale or location of any land, or shall render such land liable to taxation until it is again sold or located.@4. Section ninety-four of the said Act is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: -
94. Every one who by himself, his clerk, servant or agent, and every one who in the employment or on the premises of another directly or indirectly on any pretence of by any device sells, barters, supplies or gives to any Indian or non-treaty Indian any intoxicant, or causes or procures the same to be done or attempts the same or connives thereat, or opens or keeps or causes to be opened or kept on any reserve or special reserve, a tavern, house or building in which any intoxicant is sold, bartered, supplied or given, or who is found in possession of any intoxicant in the house, tent, wigwam or place of abode of any Indian or non-treaty Indian or of any person, or upon any other part of the reserve or special reserve, or who sells, barters supplies or gives to any person on any reserve or special reserve any intoxicant, shall on summery conviction before any judge, police magistrate, stipendiary magistrate or two justices of the peace or Indian agent, upon the evidence of one credible witness other than the informer or prosecutor B or in the Province of Manitoba, the Province of British Columbia, the North-West Territories or the District of Keewatin, upon the evidence of the informer alone if he is a credible person B be liable to imprisonment of a term not exceeding six months and not less than one month, with or without hard labor, or to a penalty not exceeding three hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars with costs of prosecution, or he shall be liable to both penalty and imprisonment in the discretion of the convicting judge, magistrate, stipendiary magistrate, justices of the peace or Indian agent; and a moiety of every such penalty shall belong to the informer or prosecutor, and the other moiety thereof shall belong to Her Majesty to form part of the fund for the benefit of that body of Indians or non-treaty Indians with respect to one or more members of which the offence was committed.@5. The said Act is hereby amended by adding the following section thereto: -
132. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Governor in Council may from time to time direct that any fine, penalty or forfeiture or any portion thereof which would otherwise belong to the Crown for the public uses of Canada, or be paid to the Minister of Finance and Receiver General for the use of any band of Indians, or which would belong to Her Majesty to form part of the fund for any body of Indians or non-treaty Indians, or which is order to be disposed of in any particular manner, be paid to any Provincial, municipal or local authority.@