CHAP. 30.

An Act to amend "the Indian Advancement Act," chapter forty-four of the Revised Statutes.

[Assented to 16th May, 1890.]

HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:-

Sub-section one of section four of "The Indian Advancement Act," is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:-

"4. Every reserve to which this Act is to apply may, by the Order in Council applying it, be divided into sections, the number of which shall not exceed six or be less than two, and each section shall have therein a number of male Indians of full age, equal, as nearly as is found convenient, to such proportion of the male Indians of full age resident on the reserve, as one section of the reserve bears to all the sections; or, should the majority of the Indians of the reserve so desire, the whole reserve may form on e section,-the wishes of the Indians in respect thereto being first ascertained, in the manner prescribed in "The Indian Act," in like matters, and certified to the Superintendent General by the Indian agent.

Paragraph (h) of section ten of the said Act, is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor:-

"(h.) The construction, maintenance and improvement of roads and bridges, and the contributions, in money or labor, and other duties of residents on the reserve, in respect thereof; the size and kind of sleighs to be used on the roads in the winter season, and the manner in which the horse or horses or other beasts of burden shall be harnessed to such sleighs; and the appointment of road masters and fence viewers, and their powers and duties;"

The said Act is hereby amended by adding the following section thereto:-

"13. On a day, being one week previous to the day on which the election of the councillors is to be held on any reserve under section five of this Act, and at a place to be appointed by the Indian agent, and between the hours of ten in the forenoon and twelve at noon, a meeting of the electors,-of which meeting due notice shall be given in the manner customary in the band for calling meetings for public purposes-shall be held for the purpose of nominating candidates for election as councillors as aforesaid:

"2. The Indian agent, or in his absence such person as is appointed by the Superintendent General, or failing such appointment, a chairman to be chosen by the meeting, shall preside over such meeting and shall take and keep the minutes thereof:

"3. Only Indians nominated at such meetings shall be recognized as, or permitted to become, candidates for election as aforesaid; and each nomination to be valid must be made on the motion of an elector of the section of the reserve for the representation whereof the nominee is proposed as a candidate, and the motion must be seconded by another elector of that section:

"4. The nominations of the candidates shall, so far as practicable, be made consecutively and previously to any speeches being made by the movers and seconders or by any other persons, but nominations may be made up to the hour of twelve o'clock noon:

"5. If only one candidate for any councillorship is proposed, the Indian agent or chairman shall, at twelve o'clock noon, declare such candidate duly elected; and if two or more candidates are proposed for any councillorship, an election shall be held under the provisions of section five of this Act."