Art Gallery of Newfoundland and
Labrador (AGNL)

Shaped by the Sea

Permanent Collections

Anne Meredith Barry

Peter Bell

Sylvia Bendzsa

David Blackwood

Wally Brants

Artworks: Page #1

Manfred Buchheit

Scott Fillier

Scott Goudie

Pam Hall

Tish Holland

Josephina Kalleo

Kathleen Knowling

Frank Lapointe

Ray Mackie

Colin Macnee

Stewart Montgomerie

George Noseworthy

Paul Parsons

Helen Parsons Shepherd

Rae Perlin

Christopher Pratt

Mary Pratt

Barbara Pratt Wangersky

William B. Ritchie

Gary Saunders

Reginald Shepherd

Gerald Squires

Janice Udell

Arch Williams

Don Wright

SchoolNet Digital Collections

Wally Brants Artworks: Page #1

Oil on Board
55.2 x 76.2 cm

Western Brook Sands
Acrylic on Canvas
40.5 x 51 cm

Oil on Paper
48.8 x 36.2 cm

Oil Stick on Paper
66 x 101.5 cm

All Artworks represented here are part of the Permanent Collections at the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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