

Dorset Departure

The Dorset appear to have left Port au Choix 1,300 years ago, and the island of Newfoundland 1,100 years ago. [Picture] Their departure may be connected with the reappearance of the Indian population (1400 B.P.) around the same time. The retreat from Port au Choix appears to be linked to the abandonment of the island by the Paleoeskimos during this period. Most Dorset dates on the island range between 1900-1400 B.P. with a few dates at 1300 B.P., and the youngest at Placentia Bay 1090 B.P., plus or minus 100 years. At around 1000-700 B.P., a warm period was occurring that affected the island. Since Newfoundland was the most southerly point of expansion for them, the Dorset Paleoeskimos, adapted to Arctic and Subarctic conditions, may have found the climate no longer suitable. Either the Newfoundland Dorset population did not survive the change in climate, or they retreated to Northern Labrador where Dorset populations lived until 600 years ago.


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