Bibliography Intro GIF

Canadian Parks Service, Atlantic Regional Office, Discovering Our Past Through History and Archaeology, Grassy Island National Historic Site Education Kit, Teacher's Manual, 1993

Ferguson, Rob, Research Bulletin No. 124, Grassy Island: Archaeological Investigations of a Nova Scotia Fishing Community, Ottawa, Parks Canada, January 1980

Hansen, Denise, Research Bulletin No. 247, Eighteenth Century Fine Earthenwares From Grassy Island, Ottawa, Parks Canada, March 1986

Tulloch, Judith, Research Bulletin No. 253, Canso Trade, Ottawa, Parks Canada, February 1987

Fladmark, Knut R., A Guide To Basic Archaeological Field Procedures, Burnaby, British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, 1978

Flemming, David B., Manuscript Report Series, No. 308, The Canso Islands: An 18th Century Fishing Station, Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1977

Haviland, William A., Anthropology, Seventh Edition, Toronto, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1994

Jost, A.C., Guysborough Sketches And Essays, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Kentville Publishing Company, 1950

Nova Scotia Archaeology Society, Discovering Archaeology: An Activity Book For Young Nova Scotians, Halifax, 1992


Smythies, R.H., Historical Records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment, In Devonport, A.H, Swiss, 1894.


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