Credits Intro GIF

Give them a Great big hand !

This site took the efforts of more than just five people, it took the combined efforts of an entire community to make it come to life. Various individuals contributed heavily to this project to make it a reality. Please take a few moments to gander about this page and see what great people we have in our community and in turn thank them for their generosity.

Community Access Five : Without this group of hardworking individuals we would not be here. They were the ones, who with the guidance of Dorothy Bennett, created and submitted the proposal for this project in the first place. We send them a great big thank you for all your help and contributions of time and financial support to this project. We hope that you are happy with the results of your hard work.

Strait Regional School Board: Community Access Five, in co-operation with the school board, enabled us to have a fine working area, by allowing us to have use of their facilities at FANNING MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, in Hazel Hill, Nova Scotia. Without their generosity it would have been very hard indeed to create this website. Thank you all very much.

Rob Ferguson (Head Archaeologist - Grassy Island): My god! Without Rob our webpage would consist of nothing more than a couple of pictures of Grassy Island and a carbon copy of the island tour guide. Much of the written work you see on this website was obtained from notes and field journals Rob gave us.

John Guilfoyle (Archaeologist - Grassy Island): Another big help while we were in Halifax!! He helped us with general archaeology stuff. He also provided some great critiques of our website to enable us to enhance it even more.

Denise Hansen (Material Culture Researcher - Grassy Island): She was the one who put together the research bulletins that came in handy quite a bit. Denise supplied most of the children's activities and was the creator of the edu-kit which is referenced to in the Teacher's area of the Kids Section.

Darren & Dorothy Bennett (Supervisors, critics, Jacks of all Trades): Without Darren our trip to Halifax would have been one long hitchhike. He also gave us a lot of advice on the website and helped organize other trips (He also hired us, so thanks for that also!!). Dorothy gave us the much needed criticism which enabled us to make the website as good as possible. Without her many people would have laughed at our glaring mistakes. We appreciate every bit of it, thanks to both of you for everything.

Susan Bouchie (Payroll, and all around nice person): We sincerely thank Susan Bouchie, secretary for the Town of Canso, who not only did the payroll and other odds and ends for us but also did it totally voluntarily. She is an angel and we extend much thanks to her for all she has done for us. Thank you Susan.

Tom Kavanaugh: Tom gave us the many awesome pictures that you will see on this site. He also has a great amount of knowledge on the island which helped us when there was any confusion over certain facts. Also, we want to thank him to taking us over to the island this summer. It definitely gave us a better perspective on what we were doing this website for, the history and future of our community. It should also be noted that Tom's knowledge on the skeletal systems of marine mammals far surpasses anything Sherman knows.

Other people, whom this website would not have seen completion without, are:

Thanks to the following businesses and organizations.

Without them our open house would not have been a success.



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