Photo Gallery

 Hard at work

 layer by layer

 having fun

 the how well

 Grassy Island re-enactment

Hard at Work

Layer by Layer

Having Fun

The How Well

Grassy Island Re-enactors during local festival

 perched over How well

 lunch time

 water sifting

 moonlight on Grassy

 Cleaning the Site

 Perched over the How Well

 Lunch Time

 Water Sifting

 Sunset on Grassy Island
 Cleaning the Site

 keeping notes

discussing strategy 

heading out to sift 

 "Special K" to work

getting how bucket ready

 Keeping Notes
 Discussing strategy

 Heading out to sift

 Taking the "Special K" to work

Getting the How Well bucket ready for removal

 high up


 sifting through soil

see the layers

 in the lab



 Sifting through soil

 See the layers !

 In the lab

 taking a break

 tedious work Rob


 using the photo station

smile - photography guy 

 Taking a break

 Delicate work Rob?


 Photo Station used to measure angles and distances on a site

 The photography guy - smile !!

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(Francais - Retourne)