Bathurst Inlet (Umingmaktok) Bay Chimo


66° 50' N, 108° 02' W. Elevation 12 m approximately at the airstrip. 175 air km S of Cambridge Bay; 579 air km NE of Yellowknife, in the Kitikmeot Region. At the mouth of Burnside Inlet, on the southwest side of Bathurst Inlet.

Umingmaktok, 67° 42; N, 107° 57 ' W. Elevation unknown. 121 km NE of Bathurst Inlet, 193 air km SW of Cambridge Bay in the Kitikmeot Region. In Bay Chimo Harbour on the east side of Bathurst Inlet.


Average annual precipitation: 12.2 cm rainfall, 112.5 cm snowfall, 23.4 cm total precipitation. July mean high13.3 ° C, low 5.2 ° C. January mean high -12.6 ° C, low -32.6 ° C. Winds W at 18.5 km/h.


The Bathurst Inlet area is one of the few Inuit communities where people carry on a way of life closely resembling that of the pre-contact period. Sir John Franklin visited the area in 1821-22, yet a settlement was not established until the 1920s. In 1934, the Hudson's Bay Company was the only trading post left in the area. In 1964, the HBC moved its post to Umingmaktok and Bathurst Inlet was effectively abandoned. The Umingmaktok was also closed in 1968, but the old Bay store and other buildings at Bathurst Inlet were renovated as a naturalist lodge in 1969. The Umingmaktok community continues to function as a traditional Inuit camp, with some wage work available seasonally at Bathurst Inlet.


  • Population: June 1981 -- 80; 1986 Census -- 77; June 1988 GNWT estimate -- 80; 1991 Census -- 18.
  • 1986 sex distribution: male 50%, female 50%.
  • 1986 age distribution: 0-4, 15%; 5-14, 15%; 15-64, 70%; 65+, 0%.
  • 1987 ethnic distribution: 100% Inuit
  • Languages spoken: Inuinnaqtun (Inuktitut), English.

Political Organization

  • No settlement council.
  • Contact: Regional Superintendent of Local government, Cambridge Bay (403) 983-2142.
  • MLA Kelvin Ng


Major Activities -- Tourism, hunting/fishing/trapping, mineral exploration.

Banks -- None.

Renewable Resources -- Fish: Arctic Char, Grayling, Lake Trout, Landlocked Char, Whitefish; Marine Mammals: Ringed Seal, Harbour Seal; Game: Caribou, Fox, Wolf, Barrenland Grizzly, Muskox. Quotas: Caribou, 50; Barren-Ground Grizzly Bear, 5.
Total number of trappers (1987-88): 5.
Total dollars earned: $6 000.

Non-renewable Resources -- Minerals: within medium uranium potential area, and with high copper, lead-zinc and silver potential within 160km (Hope Bay, High Lake, Hackett Lake).

Tourism -- Summer naturalist lodge, fishing; traditional Inuit community; guided tours.

Prices and Income -- Private Household Average Income 1985: $9 314.

Local Businesses -- Bathurst Inlet Naturalist Lodge, Bathurst Inlet Air Services.


Airport Operator: Bathurst Inlet Lodge
Services: Fuel/accommodations available by prior arrangement. Limited airfield maintenance.
Scheduled Service: nil
Charter Service: Bathurst Inlet Air Services
Water Aerodrome: Licensed (private - Bathurst Inlet Air Services Ltd.) float plane access with fuel/accommodations available by prior arrangement; Break-up July 15; Freeze-up October 1 with ice subject to frequent overflow in spring/fall.
Water Aerodrome Location: 66
° 50' N, 108° 02' W. Elevation: 00.

Barge service: operator, NTCL from Hay River.


  • Postal code: X0C 0G0. Mail 3 times a week.
  • Telephone:NorthwesTel
  • Radio: HF Radio

Medical/Social Services

  • Health Station: Visiting GP, nurses from Cambridge Bay.


  • Cambridge Bay, Yellowknife.

Housing and Accommodation

  • HAP housing allocations 1980-89: 4
  • Commercial Accommodation: Bathurst Inlet, summer, by prior arrangement only, meals.

Recreation and Culture

Community hall, Umingmaktok; playground.