Pond Inlet (Mittimatalik)


72°42’N, 77°59’ W. Approximate elevation 57 m at the airstrip. 525 air km SE of Resolute, 1 883 air km NE of Yellowknife, in the Baffin Region. On the southern shore of Eclipse Sound, facing Bylot Island, north Baffin Island.


On a loamy sand terrace among considerable arctic vegetation, near high glaciated mountains.


Average annual precipitation: 5.7 cm rainfall, 86.9 cm snowfall, 14.6 cm total precipitation. July mean high 7.9 °C, low 1.2 °C. January mean high -26.4 °C, low -35.1 °C. Winds S at 9.5 km/h.


Pond Inlet, in the ancestral homeland of the North Baffin Inuit, is a rich area for Thule culture archaeological sites. The inlet was named after John Pond, Astronomer royal, by John Ross in 1888. The settlement’s Inuktitut name, Mittimatalik, means “the place where Mittima rests”. The Mittima referred to may be the Inuk, Mittimak, who ran the Sabellum Company trading post at Singiyok c. the 1930’s. From 1880 to about 1900, whalers and free traders frequented Albert Harbour, 27 km east of the present site. In 1921, the Hudson’s Bay Company established a post, as did the RCMP.


  • Population: June 1981, 705; 1986 census, 796; June 1988 GNWT estimate, 885; 1991 census, 974.
  • 1986 sex distribution: 52% male, 48% female.
  • 1986 age distribution: 0-4, 16%; 5-14, 28%; 15-64, 52%, 65+, 3%
  • 1987 ethnic distribution: 0% Dene/Metis, 94% Inuit, 6% non-native.
  • Languages spoken: Inuktitut, English.

Political Organization

  • Hamlet status, April 1, 1975
  • Mayor: Paniloo Sangoya
  • Senior Administrative Office: Jake Anaviapik
  • Hamlet Office: (403) 899-8934; (403) 899-8935; fax (403) 899-8940
  • MLA Mark Evaloarjuk (Amittuq)


Major activities -- Marine mammal harvesting, hunting/fishing, trapping; oil exploration, mining (Nanisivik)

Banks -- None. Co-ops: Toonoonik-Sahoonik Co-operative Limited

Renewable Resources --
Fish: Arctic Char;
Marine Mammals: Right Whale, Ringed Seal, Harp Seal, Bearded Seal, Beluga, Narwhal, Walrus, Killer Whale;
Game: Caribou, Arctic Fox, Wolf, Polar Bear; Quotas: Caribou, 50; Polar Bear, 15-23
Total number of trappers (1987-88): 22
Total dollars earned: $3 650
Renewable Resources Officers: Bert Dean, Jaco Sangoyak
Other renewable resources: hydroelectric potential

Non-renewable Resources --
Minerals: 80-160 km NW of high iron, medium uranium potential area.
Oil and Gas: Panarctic, High Arctic Islands, Bent Horn oilfield.
Other non-renewable resources: Coal seams formerly mined in spring for local fuel.

Prices and Income -- Private Households Average Income, 1985: $27 538. Food prices, 1987: 79% higher than Yellowknife.

Local Businesses -- In addition to those listed above: Building contractors, taxis, general retail, food, consultants, hotels, restaurants.


Air (Take-offs and landings, 1988-89: 1 345)
Airport Operator: Hamlet of Pond Inlet (GNWT)
Airport Facilities: Licensed 1219 m x 30 m gravel runway; taxiway and apron; Airfield lighting consisting of taxi/apron edge lights; runway, identification, end, approach and threshold lights, apron floodlights. Lighted wind sock, and rotating beacon; Navaid - NDB; Air terminal building.
Services: Community Airport Radio Station (CARS) - Weather/Communications: Scheduled airfield maintenance.
Scheduled Service: First Air via Iqaluit; Kenn Borek Air via Resolute.

Eastern Arctic Sealift; Barge service: operator, Transport Canada from Montreal.


  • Postal Code: X0A 0S0. Mail three times a week
  • Telephone: Bell Telephone (Anik), local and long distance.
  • Radio: CBC Radio (Anik), community radio
  • Television: CBC Television (Anik), community television Cancom signal

Medical/Social Services

  • Community Health Centre: five beds, one bassinet, two cribs
  • Medical staff: seven person
  • Social Service Facilities: one person Community Social Services office; Alcohol Program, Health and Social Services Committee, Youth Justice Committee


  • School: Ulaajuk, K-6, Takijualuk, 7-11; Student Enrolment (1988-89): 314; Teachers: 17; Local Education Authority: Pond Inlet Education Council.
  • Vocational and Continuing Education: Adult Education Centre, two resident adult educators, Outreach worker, Arctic College extension program.

Housing and Accommodation

  • NWT Housing Corporation units (1989): 136
  • HAP housing allocations 1980-89: 15
  • GNWT staff housing units: 13 houses, 8 duplexes, 2 apts. Commercial accommodation: Sauniq Hotel, accommodates 41

Recreation and Culture

Community hall. School gymnasium, covered arena, playgrounds, Rebecca Panikpak Idlout Library. Recreation Committee.