[Indigenous People]

Terrestrial Mammals

Because polar bears also hunt seals, the hunting pattern for bears is similar to that for seals. Polar bears occur in low densities however, requiring hunters to use snowmobiles to range farther from communities. Most polar bears are killed between January and May because at that time they tend to concentrate in places such as flaw-lead zones and polynyas where seals are most accessible. The polar bear harvest is closely regulated through a community quota system. There is a limited tourist sport hunt in several communities.

Caribou are another major source of country food. In some communities, they are even more important than marine mammals. Caribou are hunted year-round, but most intensively in September when the animals mass in large herds to begin the migration south to the winter feeding grounds. At this time of year, they are fat and their pelts are in prime condition. In October, the bulls become less edible as their bodies change in preparation for the rut, and travel becomes more difficult for hunters with the beginning of freeze-up. In November, once snowmobile travel is possible, and during the winter months, there is some hunting, but without the intensity of the September hunt. The spring migration to the calving grounds begins in April. At this time, the caribou again mass in large herds but they are thin, due to sparse winter food supply, and their coats are in poor condition. Calving occurs from late May, in the southern part of the region, to mid-June, in more northerly areas. After calving, the animals disperse to wander in small groups over their summer range. As a result, hunting at this time of year is less productive.

Caribou are shot on land and also from boats as they swim rivers, lakes and bays during migration. Crossing places are used relatively consistently by the caribou, although migration routes and seasonal ranges do change over time.

Caribou are harvested for their meat and hides, mostly for subsistence use. There are also commercial quotas for most herds. Caribou meat taken under commercial quotas is processed for sale across the North. Some caribou are also taken by tourists on guided hunting excursions.