Arctic Fox

Inuktitut name - Tiriganiaq

Colour - in winter, white (a few are grey to dark grey-blue); in summer, brown or grey above, belly lighter

Length - 0.6 to 1.0 metres; 20 to 30 cm high at shoulder

Shape - dog-like profile, but with short rounded ears

Behaviour - a carnivore and scavenger, diet consisting of lemmings, eggs and young of many different species of birds, and carrion; solitary except when breeding, when male/female pairs remain together; usually on land, but goes onto sea ice to scavenge seal carcasses left by Poar Bears; may dig Ringed Seal pups out of their lairs and eat them

Distribution - widespread across the Arctic; found wherever seals and polar bears are present in and on ice floes.

Sensitivity - shipping and related activities have little potential for interacting with harvest of foxes; helicopter overflights could disturb foxes foraging on the sea ice during the spring

Note - The Red Fox is present in some parts of the Arctic (for example, Banks Island). This fox is slightly larger than the Arctic Fox, more red in colour in summer, and remains red in winter. Some are blackish in colour. All have white tipped tails. The Arctic Fox and Red Fox appear to interbreed.

The fox is often trapped by Inuit (on land) or shot (on land and on the sea ice) for its fur.

Arctic Fox (45 KB)Lancaster Sound Area
Distribution Maps:
This species is not sensitive in this area, therefore no maps are presented.
Coronation Gulf Area
Distribution Maps:
Fall Scenario
Spring Scenario
Summer Scenario

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