
King Eider

Inuktitut name - Qingalik

Colour - male with black back and belly, white chest, grey head, orange patch from base of bill to forehead, white patches on wings (particularly visible in flight); female brown, heavily barred with black

Length - 52 to 60 cm

Shape - male with bulbous projection at base of bill; female with bill joining the head smoothly

Behaviour - male's voice is like a moan, while the female's is a quack; diet consists mainly of large planktonic and benthic invertebrates, for which the birds dive (whereas many ducks and geese remain at the surface to feed); feeding normally occurs close to shore, especially in bays

Distribution - sometimes migrates to Newfoundland in winter; very common in Foxe Basin

Sensitivity - see Sensitivity Information on the Birds - General Information page

 [King Eider thumbnail] King Eider (30 KB)Lancaster Sound Area
Distribution Maps:
Spring (Ice Scenario 1)
Spring (Ice Scenario 2)
Spring (Ice Scenario 3)
Summer Scenario
Coronation Gulf Area
Distribution Maps:
See the Birds - General Information page.
Lancaster Sound Area
Distribution Maps for
All Eiders:
Fall Scenario
Spring (Ice Scenario 1)
Spring (Ice Scenario 2)
Spring (Ice Scenario 3)
Summer Scenario

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