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Hidden Treasures

Judaism, like other religions, is not practiced in absence of material products. Rather, the observance of Judaism requires the use of certain liturgical objects. In this section, selected items from seventeen categories of religious objects are described (see below).

Oil Lamp Objects ranging from various Torah dressings to Kiddush cups, are described in some detail. For each object, a description ranging from one to several paragraphs is provided. A one to two sentence explanation of the use of several of these objects is also provided in the glossary. Alongside these descriptions are images of the object. Additional images of similar objects in the museum may be found throughout this website in areas such as Jewish Holidays and Life Cycle Events, areas where we have attempted to place the Judaic Art in Context.

The descriptive/analytic text will state the objects's purpose in Judaism, will provide a physical description of the object, and explain certain symbols which are apparent. In addition, the approximate size of the object will be stated and, where known, the origin and date of the object will be provided. By presenting text along with images, it is hoped that one will gain both an understanding and an artistic appreciation of these liturgical objects.

Aron portrait It is important to note that this section does not present every category of liturgical object in Judaism. The question of what objects to include in this section was decided on the basis of two factors. In the first instance, examples of the object had to be included in the Temple Aron Museum collection. Secondly, the object had to be representative of the Jewish faith. The representativeness of an object was decided upon through consultations with the members of the project team. It should also be pointed out that the length of the texts, and the number of images selected for each section, is not a reflection of that object's importance within the Jewish religion.

Categories of Objects

Bridal Accessories: Jewellery worn by a bride
Brith Milo Plates: Plates used for circumcision
Candle Holders: Used on Shabbat and other holidays
Circumcision Knife: Knife used for circumcision
Etrog Holders: Holders of etrogs, a citron-like fruit
Haggadah: Book for Passover Seder prayer
Hanukiah: Candle holder for Chanukah
Kiddush Cups: Goblets for ceremonial wine
Megillah Esther: Story of Purim in a scroll
Menorahs: Candelabrum
Mezuzahs: Symbol of Jewish faith on every doorway
Seder Plates: Holder of Passover foods
Shofars: Horn used on High Holidays
Spice Boxes: Spice holder for Havdalah service
Torah Dressings: Coverings for the Torah
Tzedakah (Charity) Box: Container for donations
Wash Basins: To clean before meals
Yads: Pointer used to read Torah

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