Roseanne Levasseur  
"Tradition is important, to maintain a high spirit and to walk on the right path."

Roseanne is from the Eagle Island First Nations where her grandfather was born. Leaving Eagle Island in her teens she grew up near Riding Mountain, Manitoba. After having four children she returned to Eagle Island with her daughter and three sons.

Roseanne speaks Saulteaux which was spoken in her household as a child, both parents encouraged her to speak in her native tongue. Tradition is important to Roseanne, in the past her children grew up dancing in pow-wows. It is very important that they learn and practiced the traditional way of life.

Working at different trades Roseanne developed her professional skills and personal trades. She learned to create star blankets at the North End Women's Centre where she was hired after volunteering. Roseanne enjoys volunteering as it allows for her to share her knowledge and gain new skills. Before making star blankets, Roseanne's beadworking skills allowed her to making belts, moccasins, and various items used for traditional pow-wows. She also worked in a sewing factory were she refined her skills and developed a sense for production.

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Starburst of Wisdom

Roseanne chose this colour combination to represent goals, our own efforts towards personal achievement and our inner wisdom. The wine tones reflect our devotion and gratitude for life's gifts that become apparent as we age.

Star of Dominica

This blanket representative of Dominica's flag was inspired to capture the fight for independence gained on Nov. 3, 1978. The color of the Sisserou Parrot, the Indigenous National bird, is represented in the blanket.


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Star of Barbados

This Pan Am creation represents the trident symbol of Barbados which was used for many years before the flag was officially adopted. Barbados chose the blue and gold colors to represent the sea, the sky, and the golden beaches.

Star of Argentina

Represents the Argentinean flag that represents he sun, "Sol de Mayo". This sun shone through the clouds on May 25, 1810, when the people began to rebel against Spanish rule.

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