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K e n n y   B a i r d

b. 1956, Kirkland Lake, Ontario
First Nations Affiliation: Cree

Perhaps best known for his collaborative work with his sister Rebecca, Kenny Baird also has an established reputation in a variety of commercial design media: illustration, costume, set, and interior design, and artistic direction for music videos. Together, he and his sister share a concern for reclaiming Aboriginal North American history, and an understated critique of colonialism, evinced in large-scale installations which exploit Baird's skill in set design. Baird has received several Canada Council and Ontario Arts Council awards, in addition to the MuchMusic Video of the Year Award in 1994 for Blue Rodeo's "Hasn't Hit Me Yet."


R E C E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S

1996 Altered States: Rituals of Exchange.
Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, Alberta
1993 The Memorial Project.
A Space Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1992 New Territories- 350-500 Years After.
Les Maisons de la Cultures, Montréal, Québec

Selected Works.
Natura Cultura, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland

Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec

Canada's First People: A Celebration of Contemporary Native Visual Arts
(travelled through Toronto and Japan)

1991 First Nations Art '91.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

Garnet Press, Toronto, Ontario

Temiskaming Art Gallery, Haileybury, Ontario

1990 First Nations Art '90.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

Garnet Press, Toronto, Ontario

S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y

"Dark visions: Kenny Baird conjures worlds of decay." Aboriginal Voices 4, no. 2 (April / May / June 1997): 20-21.

Lunn, Dr. John, et al. Canada's First People: A Celebration of Contemporary Native Visual Arts. Fort McMurray, Alberta: Syncrude Canada; Alberta Part Art Publications Society, 1992.

McMaster, Gerald, and Lee-Ann Martin, eds. INDIGENA: Contemporary Native Perspectives. Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 1992./ INDIGENA: Perspectives autochtones contemporaines. Hull, Québec: Musée canadien des civilisations, 1992.

Review: Garnet Press. Toronto Star, 19 October 1989, p. C4.

Tétrault, Pierre-Léon, Dana Alan Williams, Guy Sioui Durand, Alfred Young Man, et al. New Territories: 350/500 Years After: An Exhibition of Contemporary Aboriginal Art of Canada. Prefaces by Robert Houle, Tom Hill. Montréal, Québec: Ateliers Vision planétaire, 1992.


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