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B o b    B o y e r

b. 1948 Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
First Nations Affiliation: Métis

Bob Boyer is a painter and installation artist best known for his (Hudson's Bay) blankets, which both critiques the colonial history (such as whites distributing blankets infected with smallpox) and refer to a history of Western easel painting. Boyer is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan (B.Ed 1971) and since 1980 has been an Associate Professor and Department Head at the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (University of Regina). His work as an artist and teacher has been critical to the development of contemporary Native art. Boyer has curated a number of significant exhibitions, including 100 Years of Saskatchewan Indian Art (1830-1930) in 1975, New Works by a New Generation, co-curated in 1982; and Allen Sapp: A Retrospective in 1984.


R E C E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S

1997 Claiming Ourselves.
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Group Show.
Gallery Gevik, Toronto, Ontario

1996 Recent Acquisitions.
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario
1995 First Nation Perspective.
Mendel Art Gallery (travelling)
1994 New Blankets.
Galerie Dresdere, Toronto, Ontario

Bob Boyer: A Survey.
Keyano College Gallery, Fort McMurray, Alberta

Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec (travelling)

Reconstructed Symbols, Deconstructed Meaning.
Cleveland Art Centre, Ohio

Works from Summer '92.
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina Saskatchewan

Shades of Difference: The Art of Bob Boyer.
Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

New Territories: 350/500 Years After.
Les Maisons de la Culture, Montréal, Québec

1991 Myth and Magic in America: The Eighties.
Museo Contemporaneo de Monterrey, Mexico
1990 Found Objects.
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Seeing Red.
Agnes Etherington Gallery, Kingston, Ontario

Contemporary Rituals, Three-person Show.
Whitewater Gallery, North Bay, Ontario (travelling)

Travel and Identity.
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan

New Paintings on Flannel and Paper.
Galerie Dresdere, Toronto, Ontario

S E L E C T E D   C O L L E C T I O N S

Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa, Ontario
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Regina, Saskatchewan
City of Regina, Saskatchewan
ESSO Emerging Artists Collection, Calgary, Alberta
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Regina, Saskatchewan
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Interprovincial Pipe and Steel Corporation, Regina, Saskatchewan
Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, British Columbia
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, Ontario
Native Heritage Foundation of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina Public Library Art Collection, Regina, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Arts Board, Regina, Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Regina, Saskatchewan
Sheraton Hotels Corporation, Toronto, Ontario
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba


S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y

"Blanket paintings & recent works." Calgary Herald, 4 April 1990, p. B8.

"A blanket statement." Vancouver Sun, 30 January 1988, p. D1.

Boyer, Bob. Kiskayetum: Allen Sapp, A Retrospective / Kiskayetum: Allen Sapp, une retrospective. With an essay by Alfred Young Man. Regina, Saskatchewan: MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1994.

Canadian Museum of Civilization, ed. In the Shadow of the Sun: Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art. Hull, Québec: The Museum, 1993.

Cardinal-Schubert, Joane. "In the red." In Borrowed Power: Essays on Cultural Appropriation, eds. Bruce Ziff and Pratima V. Rao, 122-133. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Enright, Robert. "The sky is the limit: Conversations with First Nations artists." Border Crossings 11, no. 4 (1992): 46-57.

McMaster, Gerald, and Lee-Ann Martin, eds. INDIGENA: Contemporary Native Perspectives. Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 1992./ INDIGENA.: Perspectives autochtones contemporaines. Hull, Québec: Musée canadien des civilisations, 1992.

Menitove, Marcy, ed. The Permanent Collection: Thunder Bay Art Gallery. Thunder Bay, Ontario: 1986.

Phillips, Ruth B. "The art of Bob Boyer: An essay." In Constructing Cultural Identity: Jin-me Yoon, Bob Boyer, Liz Magor. Edmonton, Alberta: Edmonton Art Gallery, 1991

Tétrault, Pierre-Léon, Dana Alan Williams, Guy Sioui Durand, Alfred Young Man, et al. New Territories: 350/500 Years After: An Exhibition of Contemporary Aboriginal Art of Canada. Prefaces by Robert Houle, Tom Hill. Montréal, Québec: Ateliers Vision planétaire, 1992.

Warner, John Anson. "New visions in Canadian plains painting." American Indian Art Magazine 10 (Spring 1985): 46-53, 77.


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