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T e r e s a   M a r s h a l l

a.k.a. MacPhee
b. 1962, Truro, Nova Scotia
First Nations Affiliation: Mi'kmaq

Teresa Marshall's multimedia sculptures and installations address the ellipses and absences in the dominant Eurocentric version of North American history. Marshall grew up in a bi-cultural military family, partially on the Millbrook reserve, before studying at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, where she won numerous scholarships and academic awards. Since then, she has earned a multitude of project and travel grants and awards from the Canadian Native Arts Foundation, the Canada Council, the Banff Centre for the Arts, and agencies in British Columbia (where she now resides). Since the early 1990s, Marshall has worked extensively as an instructor, juror, visiting artist and lecturer across Canada.

R E C E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S

1998 Captain Vancouver, 1939: Four Native Perspectives.
Norman MacKenzie Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan

A Bed to the Bones.
Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
1997/98 Marks of the Mi'gmaq Nation.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario
1997 Bandstands.
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario

External Recall.
Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, British Columbia

1996-97 Topographies: Aspects of  Recent British Columbia Art.
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
1996 Métissages.
Galerie Optica, Montréal, Québec

First Nations Art 1996.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

Gifts of the Spirits: Masterworks by 19th century and Contemporary Native American Artists.
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts (travelling)

1995 Monopoly.
Gallery 101, Ottawa, Ontario

Centre Est-Nord-Est, St. Jean-Port-Jolie, Québec

Dazibao, Montréal, Québec

Ceremonial Landscape.
Gallery 101, Ottawa, Ontario

Painted Visions.
Front Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

The Women's Monument Project.
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia (travelling)

Invincible Spirits.
Open Space Gallery, Victoria, British Columbia

1994-96 The Deportment of Indian Affairs (travelling)
1994 ReSearch.
Connexion Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick

Skijin Ao Waja.
Brandts Klaederfabrik, Odens Denmark (travelling)

Naked State.
The Power Plant, Toronto, Ontario

I Put a Spell on You.
McGill Club, Toronto, Ontario

First Nations Art '94.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

The New Gallery, Calgary, Alberta

Internal Recall.
Brock University Gallery, St. Catherines, Ontario and Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

1993 London Life Young Contemporaries.
London Regional Art Gallery, London, Ontario

Pe'l A'tukwey: Let Me . . . Tell a Story.
Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick; Gesner Gallery, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, New Brunswick; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Drawing the Future Close.
Workscene Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

1992 First Ladies.
Pitt International Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia

Life in the Maritimes.
Eye Level Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Canada's First People (travelling)

Land, Spirit, Power.
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

New Territories 350 / 500 Years After.
Les Maisons de la Culture, Montréal, Québec

Subject Matter: Contemporary Painting and Sculpture in Nova Scotia.
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia

First Nations Art '92.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

Gallery 101, Ottawa, Onatrio

1991 Neo-Nativists.
Pitt International Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia

First Nations Art '91.
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Mother May I!
Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Art Against Violence Against Women.
Eye Level Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

1990 Four Days Four New Directions.
Pitt International Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia. StreetsmArt. Gottingen Street Location, Halifax, Nova Scotia

How the West Was Won.
Other Art Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

International Women's Day, Other Art Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

S E L E C T E D   C O L L E C T I O N S

Canadian Native Arts Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
Confederacy of Mainland Micmac, Truro
Nova Scotia Museum of Fine Arts and Artifacts, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario


S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y

Acland, Joan Reid. "Elitekey: The artistic production of Mi'kmaq women." Revue d’art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, forthcoming.

Acland, Joan Reid. "Revised cartographies of Canadian art history. The Mi'kmaq art of Teresa Marshall." In Resources in Canadian Art History, ed. Joan Murray. Toronto, Ontario: Irwin Press, in press.

Acland, Joan Reid. "Seams of history: Threading hybridity through difference. The Mi'kmaq art of Teresa Marshall." In Appropriation and Re-appropriation: The Return of Native Canadian Voices, ed. Christopher G. Trott. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, in press.

Cabilete, Jethelo. "Artist Teresa Marshall researches Native identity." The Brunswickan, 14 January 1994, p. 11.

Cronin, Ray. "Captain Vancouver by Charles Comfort: Four Native perspectives." ARTSatlantic 15, no. 3 (Fall/Winter 1997): p. 20-21. [Review: Confederation Centre Art Gallery, Charlottetown, P.E.I.]

"The Deportment of Indian Affairs." ARTSatlantic 13, no.3 (Winter 1995): 17. [Review:  Galerie Sans Nom, Moncton]

Dowling, Julie. "Exhibit strikes chord." The Guardian, 23 May 1995, p. 8.

Durand, Guy Sioui. "Creative currents: Métissage merges Native and non-Native creativity." Aboriginal Voices 1, no. 4 (Fall 1994): 42-45.

Finken, Kirk. "How much for a hotel at Oka?" The Ottawa Xpress, 8 February 1995, p. 9.

Fraser, Marie, Guy Sioui Durand, et al. Metissages. Saint-Jean-de-Jolie, Québec: Centre de Sculpture, 1996.

Gray, Viviane, and Moira Dianne O'Neill. Pe'l A'tukwey: Let Me . . . Tell a Story: Recent Work by Mi'kmaq and Maliseet Artists. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1993.

"Halifax artist turns tables on cultural appropriation. Teresa Marshall's The Deportment of Indian Affairs, Latitude 53, Edmonton." Windspeaker 12, no.10 (1-14 August 1994): 13.

Lunn, Dr. John, et al. Canada's First People: A Celebration of Contemporary Native Visual Arts. Fort McMurray, Alberta: Syncrude Canada; Alberta Part Art Publications Society, 1992.

Marshall, Teresa. The Deportment of Indian Affairs. Toronto, Ontario: A Space Gallery, 1995.

Marshall, Teresa. Gatherings: The En'Owkin Journal of First North American Peoples, Vol. IV. Penticton, British Columbia: Theytus Books, 1993.

Marshall, Teresa. Kelusultiek: Original Women's Voices of Atlantic Canada. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Mount St. Vincent University Press, 1994.

Marshall, Teresa. "Monopoly." FUSE Magazine 18, no. 4 (Summer 1995): 24-25. [Poem]

Marshall, Teresa. Steal My Rage: New Native Voices. Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 1995.

Mastai, Judith. "The elevation of BC art." C Magazine, no. 52 (February - April 1997): 24-27.

Metcalfe, Robin. "Pe'l A'tukwey: Let me . . . tell a story." ARTSatlantic 48 (Winter 1994): 25-31.

Nemiroff, Diana and Robert Houle, Charlotte Townsend-Gault. Land, Spirit, Power: First Nations at the National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1992.

O’Rourke, Debbie. "Confrontation and redemption: Installations by three First Nations artists." Espace 33 (Fall 1995): 35-39.

Podedworny, Carol. "Finding home: History and reality." Matriart: A Canadian Feminist Art Journal 6, no.4 (1997): 50-54.

"ReSearch." ARTSatlantic 13, no. 2 (1994): 14-16. [Review: Gallery Connexion, Fredericton]

Review: Gallery Fifty-Six. Vancouver Sun, 21 July 1990, p. D14, D15.

Richardson, Joan, Robin Metcalfe, and Charlotte Townsend-Gault. "Full houses." Canadian Art 14, no. 1 (Spring 1997): 62-71. [Reviews of: Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art '96, London Life Young Contemporaries '96, and Topographies: Aspects of Recent BC Art]

Rosenburg, Ann. "Old myths made new." Vancouver Sun, 21 July 1990, p. D-14, D-15.

Sabat, Christina. "Visual arts in review." The Daily Gleaner, 29 January 1994, p. 4.

Vancouver Art Gallery. Topographies: Aspects of Recent British Columbia Art. Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 1996.


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