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G l e n n a   M a t o u s h

b. 1946, Rama Reserve, Ontario
First Nations Affiliation: Ojibwa

Matoush received training at the Elliot Lake School of Fine Arts (1965), the University of Alberta, and at the Guilde Graphique de Montréal (1976-80). Although she works in sculpture and printmaking, Matoush is known best for her vivid and abstract paintings which address specific, often political themes. A recipient of the Québec Cultural Affairs honour, Matoush recently completed a mural commission for the school building of the award-winning Cree village Oujé-Bougamou in Northern Québec.

R E C E N T   E X H I B I T I O N S

1995 Matoush Retrospective.
Cote-des-Neiges Cultural Centre, Québec

Foreign Affairs Collection of Native Art.
Ottawa, Ontario; Montréal, Québec; Moscow

Toronto Historical Board, Fort York, Toronto, Ontario

De Pianofabriek Museum, Brussels, Belgium

1994 Nation to Nation Presents: Vision to Vision.
Metro Square Victoria, Montréal, Québec

Ramscale Art Associates Gallery. West Greenwich, New York

Great Whale Ten: Exhibition of Native, French, and English Artists.
Amsterdam; Burlington, Vermont; Montréal, Québec

1993 Paperworks.
Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario

Art Exploration Multimedia from Whapmnagoostui Project 1991.
Rouyn-Noranda, Québec; La Maison de la Culture Mount-Royal, Montréal, Québec

Canadian Embassy at Guatemala, Guatemala

1992 Changers: A Spiritual Renaissance.
Dalhousie Art Gallery, Nova Scotia (travelling)

New Territories: 350 / 500 Years After.
Les Maisons de la Culture, Montréal, Québec

Nouveaux Territoires: 350 / 500 Ans Après.
Québec City, Québec; Mexico City, Mexico; Montréal, Québec

Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Québec

1991 Au de la tradition.
Rouyn-Noranda Exhibition Centre, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec

Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario

Palais de congrès, Paris, France

1990 Benvenuti.
Art Gallery Modern, Venice, Italy

Amerindian Museum, Pointe Bleue, Québec

Hydro Québec Exhibition. Val d'Or-Amos-Rouyan-Noranda, Ville Marie et la Sarre, Québec

S E L E C T E D   C O L L E C T I O N S

Basilica del Santo, Padova, Italy
Canadian Cultural Centre, Rome, Italy
Canadian High Commission, London, England
Grand Council of the Cree (of Québec), Val d'Or, Québec
Guatemala School of Plastic Arts, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, Ontario

S E L E C T E D   B I B L I O G R A P H Y:

Grande, John K. Balance: Art and Nature. Montréal, Québec: Black Rose Books, 1995.

Mackay, Marilyn. "Changers: A Spiritual Renaissance." ARTSatlantic 11, no. 2 (Winter 1992): 34-36.

Tétrault, Pierre-Léon, Dana Alan Williams, Guy Sioui Durand, Alfred Young Man, et al. New Territories: 350/500 Years After: An Exhibition of Contemporary Aboriginal Art of Canada. Prefaces by Robert Houle, Tom Hill. Montréal, Québec: Ateliers Vision planétaire, 1992.

Tétreault, Pierre-Léon. Nouveaux Territoires: 350/500 Ans Après. Exposition d’art Aborigène Contemporain du Québec et du Mexique. Montréal, Québec: Visions Planetaire, 1992.


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