Veterans Recollect

[Red Line]

Warning: The audio excerpts that follow discuss war and the experience of war in graphic detail. Parents and teachers should be advised that some of the material may not be suitable for everyone. Discretion is advised. Having said that, we felt it critically important that the words of those who fought and sacrificed so much for Canada should be presented to you unaltered and uncensored.

The First World War touched the lives of millions of people the world over. Not every veteran had the same experience but all were affected, one way or another. Through extensive research we have tried to narrow this page down to five prominent combat arenas. Within each of these sections you will find a sound clip of a veteran reflecting on his war experiences. For those without sound capabilities on their computers, we have also provided the transcribed text.

To hear the sound clips you will need to download the Real Audio 2.0 player. To download the player click here.Ra.gif - 2.1 K

To access any one of these audio interviews click on a red maple leaf.

[Maple Leaf] Tom Wood speaking about his experiences in the artillery [Maple Leaf] Jimmy Ellis talks of his experiences in the infantry
[Maple Leaf] Tracy Brown speaking about aviation [Maple Leaf] George Hatch speaks about life in the trenches
[Maple Leaf] Wilfred D. "Dick" Ellis speaking about communications and transportation

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