" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "
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The Baccalieu Trail

Nestled on the Eastern Coast of Canada is Newfoundland and Labrador, the youngest province of Canada yet the first place in the western hemisphere settled by Europeans, more than 500 years before Columbus! When you consider that the fishery is the "Raison de Etre" for the existence of this place, it stands to reason why "Baccalieu", a Portuguese word meaning Salt Cod, is the name of our trail. On this historic trail, much of our cultural history has stood still, as many of the dialects of our predominantly British and Jersey Island Ancestors still exist. Visitors are amazed by the lingual utterances they might hear. In truth, there are Encyclopedias of Newfoundland, and of Newfoundland English, which surely wouldn't surprise previous visitors.
Rugged coastlines, fishing hamlets, glorious ice-bergs and nature's creatures, great and small - your visit to our region will be delightful. Visit any of the communities, or hike any of the trails and chances are you'll discover an old stage (fishing premise), a cellar, or a resettled village. Come on over - Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail.

Contact: Terry Maddox
Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Newfoundland Nature-Scenery-Culture-Hospitality at its best
Unit 1, 4 Pikes Lane
Carbonear, NF, Canada
A1Y 1A7
1-709-596-3474 (Phone/Fax)
e-mail: maddoxterry@hotmail.com

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