Queensport Lighthouse- 'Keepers of the Beacon' !


The First Queensport Light was established in 1882

The Original Light was a wooden building, square in shape, topped with a red iron lantern

The Present Light was built in 1933

The Present light is a square structure, white in color, with the light tower located on top

The original keeper of the Queensport Light was John Elher III

The Light was automated in 1968

Queensport was once called Wedonik, which is Indian for "Having a mouth"

Prior to 1898 Queensport was also known as Crow Harbour.



Welcome to Queensport Lighthouse: Keepers of the Beacon, our Canadian Digital Collection dedicated to the historic Queensport Lighthouse, located in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia. This site will provide viewers of all ages with the opportunity to learn about the Queensport Lighthouse and the brave individuals who resided there. We hope you enjoy this website, but most of all we hope you gain a better appreciation and respect for the Queensport Lighthouse Keepers whose beacon provided passing vessels with the guiding light they needed to reach their destinations.

In the historical section of this website we present you, the viewer, with the opportunity to understand what life was once like in and around the rural area now known as Queensport. We also present a history of the Lighthouse itself by chronicling the three phases of its existence: 1) the construction of the original lighthouse in 1882, 2) the development of the modern and current lighthouse in 1933 and 3) the automation of the lighthouse in 1968. For first time viewers of this website, we recommend that you begin your journey here.

In the interview section of this site we present you with a special treat - an interview with Mr. Lawrence Hendsbee, who was keeper from 1948 to 1953. This personal account of what life was like as lighthouse keeper is highly informational and interesting and will fascinate viewers both young and old.

Queensport Lighthouse !
Queensport Lighthouse!


In the Then and Now section of our website we present a gallery of pictures showing the Queensport Lighthouse as it existed in the past and how it looks today. We also discuss the efforts of individuals and committees who have banded together to ensure that the Queensport lighthouse not only has a past and present and, but also a future.

For those of you looking for quick and accurate facts about the Queensport Lighthouse, our 'Facts' section was developed specifically for you. This section of the site contains only relevant facts that are conveniently ordered and easily accessed. This part of the site is also a good place to brush up on your knowledge of the Queensport Lighthouse before entering our Trivia section, which we discuss next.

Once you have viewed the site in its entirety and feel that you have a decent understanding of the history of the Lighthouse and its keepers, we now invite you to test your knowledge in the trivia section of our website. Viewers of all ages will enjoy this section, as we provide several different levels of questions to accommodate everyone. Good luck!

We would like to dedicate this site to the many keepers and their families who braved harsh weather and lived in isolated conditions to ensure the safety of passing vessels. We hope you enjoy this site and we encourage you tell others about it.

If you would like to find out information on how Lighthouses have evolved through time click here
This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections initiative, Industry Canada