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Adults: terrestrial
Immatures: terrestrial

Feeding Habits
Adults: nectar and pollen feeding

Size: 2 to 10 mm
Flight : strong flier

North American

Diptera Chloropidae
Grass flies or frit flies

Front Wings: membranous
Hind Wings: reduced to halteres
Mouthparts: sponging
Antenna Length: shorter than body
Antenna Shape: straight
Front Legs: unmodified
Hind Legs: unmodified

Special Characteristics: Chloropidae are small flies that have very few hairs on the body. This gives them a shiny appearance. Many species are coloured with yellow and black.

Comments: Chloropidae are found in a range of habitats but are most common in grassy places such as meadows, where the larvae of many species feed on grass stems. Some species are major pests of cereals. Other species are scavengers, parasitic or predaceous. Some species, called eye gnats, are attracted to sweaty skin or secretions of the eyes and small wounds.

Epichlorops exilis

Common Name:

Feeding Habits: Larvae of this species tunnel in the stems of sedges.

Widespread in Canada.