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Adults: terrestrial
Immatures: terrestrial

Feeding Habits
Adults: nectar and pollen feeding
Immatures: phytophagous

Size: 10 to 60 mm
Flight : strong flier

North American

Lepidoptera Geometridae
Inchworms and geometer moths

Front Wings: scaled
Hind Wings: scaled
Mouthparts: sucking
Antenna Length: shorter than body
Antenna Shape: straight
Front Legs: unmodified
Hind Legs: unmodified

Special Characteristics: Small to medium sized slender moths. They have broad wings often marked with fine wavy lines. The two sexes often differ in colour, and in a few species the females are wingless or have underdeveloped wings. The larvae of geometers are called inchworms or measuring worms and they have two or three pairs of prolegs at the posterior end but none in the middle. They move by bringing their back end forward which makes a loop in their body, then they move their front end forward to straighten their body.

Comments: The geometers are often found on the borders of woods and in forests, they are mostly active at night and are often attracted to lights. The larvae eat a variety of plants.

Ennomos magnarius Guenee

Common Name:
Maple spanworm moth

Feeding Habits: This species feed on a variety of trees such as alders, ashes, aspen, maples and others.

Widespread in Canada

This is a common and abundant species.

Haematopis grataria (Fabricius)

Common Name:
Chickweed geometer

Feeding Habits: The larvae feed on chickweed, clover, knotweed and other low plants.

Manitoba, southern Ontario and Quebec.

Adults are often seen flying in fields during the day.