Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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Adults: terrestrial
Immatures: terrestrial

Feeding Habits
Adults: nectar and pollen feeding
Immatures: parasitoid

Size: 20 to 70 mm
Flight : strong flier

North American

Hymenoptera Pelecinidae
Pelecinid wasps

Front Wings: membranous
Hind Wings: membranous
Mouthparts: chewing
Antenna Length: shorter than body
Antenna Shape: straight
Front Legs: unmodified
Hind Legs: unmodified

Special Characteristics: The females are black shiny wasps with an extremely long narrow abdomen. Males have a much shorter abdomen but are extremely rare and are almost never seen.

Comments: The larvae are parasitoids of June beetles in the family Scarabaeidae. Pelecinids seem to go through population cycles and females are much more abundant in some years than in others. Males are very rarely collected.

Pelecinus polyturator (Drury)

Common Name:

Feeding Habits: Larvae are parasitoids of June beetle larvae.

Eastern Canada

Females are active in late summer and early fall.