Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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Adults: terrestrial
Immatures: terrestrial

Feeding Habits
Adults: non-feeding
Immatures: phytophagous

Size: 8 to 35 mm
Flight : strong flier

North American

Lepidoptera Tortricidae
Tortricid moths

Front Wings: scaled
Hind Wings: scaled
Mouthparts: sucking
Antenna Length: shorter than body
Antenna Shape: straight
Front Legs: unmodified
Hind Legs: unmodified

Special Characteristics: The adults are small, usually gray, tan or brown in colour, with dark bands or mottled areas on their wings, but some species are colourful with metallic spots. The front wings are usually square at the end and at rest the wings are held rooflike over the body.

Comments: The larvae feed on many species of plants, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Many larvae bore in various parts of the plant. Some species are considered serious pests of forests, fruit trees and other crops.

Sparganothis sulfereana Clemens

Common Name:
Sparganothis fruitworm

Feeding Habits: The larvae feed on a variety of plants including alfalfa, apple, carrot, cranberry and wild blueberry.

Eastern Canada.

This species is a pest of cranberry.