Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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Metamorphoses: simple

North American Families: 6

North American Species: 20


Feeding Habits: Earwigs are omnivorous and can be a pest of commercially valuable flowers.

Description: Earwigs are 10-30 mm long, flattened and elongate. The front wings are leathery and very short. They have well-developed cerci at the end of the abdomen that form strong forceps. The antennae are long and simple and they have chewing mouthparts. The legs are similar in size and shape.

Comments: These insects are cryptic, often concealing themselves during the day and feeding at night. The forceps at the end of the abdomen are used in defense against predators, to help capture prey, and in courtship. As another means of protection, some species can also emit a foul-smelling fluid from gland openings. Like cockroaches, they are frequently transported from place to place by commerce. Females of certain species brood over their eggs and show maternal care for their emerging offspring.

Families in this Order


Forficulidae: Common earwigs

Size: 10 to 30 mm
North American Species: 5 in Canada
