Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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insect database

Metamorphoses: simple

North American Families: 1

North American Species: 20


Feeding Habits: Mantids are predaceous, mainly on other insects, although there are records of them attacking frogs, small birds and mice.

Description: Mantids have a very distinctive body shape with large eyes on a triangular head. The pronotum is long and the front legs are raptorial for grasping prey. Mantids range from 15 mm to 16 cm long. Many species are camouflaged to resemble foliage, dry sticks, stems or bark, although a few species are brilliantly coloured like the flowers they inhabitat. The wings are fully developed, reduced or absent. The front wings, if present, are leathery. Mantids have chewing mouthparts.

Comments: The large eyes, movable head and long pronotum of mantids make it very easy for them to see potential prey and predators. They sit and wait to ambush prey among foliage or flowers.

Families in this Order


Mantidae: Praying mantids

Size: 15 to 160 mm
North American Species: 20
