Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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insect database

Metamorphoses: simple

North American Families: 3

North American Species: 18


Feeding Habits: Immatures and adults are scavengers on a variety of decaying materials including starches and food debris in buildings.

Description: Bristletails are small to medium sized insects, elongate and flattened with small scales covering the body. They are wingless. They have very long antennae and three tail-like appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen. Bristletails have chewing mouthparts.

Comments: These are among the most primitive insects. They are usually found in leaf litter or rotting wood but two species are commonly found in buildings where they can occasionally become pests.

Families in this Order


Lepismatidae: Silverfish and firebrats

Size: 9 to 12 mm
North American Species: 2 in Canada
