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Dupré Schools

Dupré School
by Rose Gray

First Duprés School built in 1933
First Duprés School built in 1933
Dupré School was a typical one room school built by volunteers. It was a pine log building with cedar shingles on the roof, and a fir floor. The building was heated by a barrel heater.

Some of the first trustees were: Mr. Duprés, whom the school was named after, Mr. Paul Strumecki and Mr. Harry Glen. Mr. Paul Sally was the secretary.

School opened in October of 1932 with about 19 students, and Miss Marcoux, from Bonnyville as the first teacher. Miss Marcoux stayed only for two months. I guess the young man that came to pick her up on Fridays finally won her over. The first few teachers did not stay long. I guess the challenge was too great as there were students almost as old as the teachers themselves. However some of the students that attended Dupré school have gone on to great careers as teachers, mechanical engineers, and even one or two millionaires.

The school itself was used as a Community Centre as well. There were many fine ball games and picnics during the summer. Dances and shows were held quite regularly. Mr. Nick Baron showed slides of Ben Hur as well as other titles that he got from the Department of Education. Jimmy Gauthier played for many of the dances and basket social that were so popular at that time.
School life was quite exciting to us as students. I remember well playing "cowboys and Indians" every noon hour.

Second Duprés School built in 1945
Second Duprés School built in 1945
As the population of the Duprés area increased so the school was enlarged. It became a two room school when an addition was put on to the original building. Then in 1942 a fine new, larger, school was built and the original one became a teacherage. When school buses were introduced the students went to Bonnyville and Fort Kent. The local school became the "Duprés Community Centre", and improvements to the building were made through a provincial government grant. It now has a community Board and is used for various activities.

Following is a list of teachers that have taught in Dupré (in no particular order): Miss Marcoux, Mr. R. McClung, Mr. J. Zubic, Miss Bates, Miss Lessard, Mr. Skwaruk, Mrs. McKernan, Mrs. B. Martinel, Mr. H. W. Taylor, Mrs. R. Gray, Mr. W. Filipchuk, Mrs. Carlson, Mr. O'Dwyre and his daughter, Miss P. O'Dwyre, Mr. C. Selezinka, Mrs. M. Selezinka, Mr. Chernowski, Miss R. Laciuk, Miss D. Chihmoff, Miss Chomiak, Mr. J. Sawchuk, Miss J. Moe, Mr. M. Eliuk, Mr. Robert Klepstern, Mr. Bernard O'Connor, Mrs. Lucille O'Connor.

This was quite a number of teachers as none stayed very long. We were fortunate to be able to replace them as they left. I don't recall the school ever being closed because of a lack of a teacher.

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