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Thérien Council Bonnyville

Thérien Council Bonnyville, 1942
Thérien Council Bonnyville, 1942
Thérien Council #2908 gained its charter on May 11, 1947 but the history of the Knights of Columbus dates back to those solemn days when Hitler's troops were ravaging Europe and the Allies were beginning the long road back to victory. It was February 8, 1942, that the delegation from Council Grandin in St. Paul held a meeting with Knights residing in Bonnyville. Present were Brothers Walter Lambert, Lucien Pronovost, Pierre Benoit, Amable Lapierre, Officers of Grandin Council and Brothers, Alain, Julien, Tremblay, A. Pitre, S. Pitre and Racette who accompanied them from St. Paul. From Bonnyville were Brothers Jacques Demers, Charles Moreau, Adélard Roberge, Willie Paquette, Lionel Landreville, Gus Binette, Irvin Baril, Philias Durocher, Louis Belland, Conrad Lapierre, Dr. Sabourin, André Déchêne, Rev. J.E. Lapointe, Frank Lambert, Oscar Audette and Armand Beauchêsne. Ten brothers from Bonnyville unanimously expressed their desire to form a sub council of Conseil Grandin. An executive was chosen consisting of Father J.E. Lapointe as chaplain, Jacques Demers as president, Adélard Roberge as vice-president, Charles Moreau as chancellor, Philias Durocher as recording secretary, Irvin Baril as warden, and Gus Binette and Willie Paquette as guards. This executive unanimously endorsed André Déchêne as lawyer and Lionel "Lindy" Landreville as financial secretary.

Two of the first motions put forth by the new sub council were: that a fee of 25¢ per month per member be assessed to help defray expenses of the sub council and that the members attend a communion mass together on Palm Sunday to be followed by a breakfast. The various committees were appointed and the Knights in Bonnyville were on their way.

Twenty five proud members sat in the front pews of the Church, March 29, 1942 to perform their Easter duties.

Brothers Déchêne and Landreville had to be replaced on the executive, as both left for officer training in the Canadian Army where distinguished service careers ensued.

An initiation soon followed in St. Paul and Brothers Ted Lambert, Armand Landry, Donat Dumont, Roland Limoges, Tom Gringras, Adolphe Couture and Rev. Thibault were welcomed into the organization.

The sub council pursued its many activities for five years when it was decided to form its own council and Thérien Council #2908 came into being May 11, 1947

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