Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward and Brault Collections

Welcome to the Concordia University Faculty of Fine Arts Slide Library (CUFFASL) Research Collections website. This is an experiment if you will - a pilot project to use the Internet to provide increased access to the CUFFASL. Our site consists of a growing database of text and images about Canadian sculpture from two of CUFFASL's most important research collections.

As background to the database we have provided an illustrated lexicon and some texts in English and French. Look on the bottom of any page for the icons to click. We invite you to contribute your own thoughts on sculpture or ask questions online to the experts by signing on to Cansculpture, our electronic forum. Click the dialogue icon in the top right hand corner of any page to subscribe.


This digital collection was produced under contract to the Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada



DOCUMENSA is proud to contribute to Industry Canada and the project Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward & Brault Collections.

Founded in 1984, DOCUMENSA offers a range of complementary software products for all aspects of documentary data processing. Its mission is to provide powerful state-of-the-art solutions in document management and information retrieval. To know more about the company and its products and services click here.

Developed by DOCUMENSA, a Canadian based document engineering company, is a multilingual tool for publishing documentary databases on the Internet and Intranets. Beyond it's fulltext search capabilities, the software makes use of a browsable index structure to organise documents and also allows the users to customise views of the documents to suit their particular needs. Therefore, with browsable indexes the end result is a much faster and precise search capabilities than common hypertext navigation or single word search tools.

In collaboration with Industry Canada, we invite you to the database of Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward & Brault Collections.



DOCUMENSA est fier d'annoncer sa contribution au projet Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward & Brault Collections.

En affaires depuis 1984, DOCUMENSA offre une gamme complémentaire de logiciels pour l'ensemble des étapes de la chaîne de traitement documentaire. Sa mission est de fournir des solutions performantes et à la fine pointe de la technologie en gestion et recherche documentaire. Pour en savoir davantage sur la compagnie, les produits et services, clickez ici.

Développé par la firme d'ingénierie documentaire DOCUMENSA, est un logiciel multilingue de diffusion de bases documentaires sur Internet et intranet. En plus de sa capacité de recherche plein texte, le logiciel organise les documents dans une structure d'index consultables et offre des formats d'affichage définissabsle selon le besoin de l'utilisateur. Par conséquent la recherche est beaucoup plus précise et rapide, en comparaison avec les outils the navigation hypertexte ou des simple recherche par mots simples dans le texte.

En collaboration avec Industrie Canada, nous vous invitons à découvrir la base de données: Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward & Brault Collections.

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